Pass On The
Look for good in others. When you see someone do a good deed, use the wristband as an ice breaker. Say to the person, "I saw you do something good for another person and would like to give you this wristband as an acknowledgement of your good deed. Please go to the website and register that you received it from me, and then find someone else that you can pass it on to for doing something good." Let's see how far, wide, and deep we can reach in identifying the good people do in this world.
There exists a Dimension within our world that we call Tegra which has been lost, except for a few people. It is a place where you can step back from the distractions, divisiveness, and craziness of the world, where you are able to see the good in people and the beauty of nature. When you enterTegra you can view life differently with clear eyes and a full heart of passion, joy, and care. You become empowered to make a difference and impact our world for positive change and goodwill to others.
Nothing in life is free. Finding and entering Tegra is going to come at some kind of cost. It could be physical, emotional, mental, etc. You won't know until you get there, but you will know when it happens.
The Cru is traveling through Tegra looking for warriors to join them in sharing TGR to make this world a better place.
Are you the next Cru member?

The Cru
TUKU - (too coo) small in stature, big in heart.
GEE - (jee) full of energy, enthusiasm, and adventure.
RUAN - (rue on) good looking, talented, full of natural skill
What is TGR
TGR is - The Golden Rule - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
This universal social rule exists in some fashion in recognized religions throughout the world, and dare say unbelievers, agnostics, and atheists even accept it.
We can make a difference in this world if we choose to do good to others.
Becoming Part of The Cru
You can become part of the TGRcru and enter Tegra by practicing TGR daily and Be The Difference™ in this world and in the lives of others.
Contact us for a wristband so when you see someone else do a good deed you can pass it on and acknowledge their positive action.
A Bit About Us
Our mission at TGRcru is to unite people from around the world and create a community of openness and enthusiasm to practice TGR - The Golden Rule - with everyone you encounter.
As our world has become increasingly divided, TGR is an opportunity to create a united movement of goodwill and care for each other.
Look to the heavens, yet stay grounded on the earth, in the Dimension of Tegra. Be the Difference - You don't have to be like everyone else. Rather, set the standard and be a blessing in someone else's life. May the collective force of Tegra and The Cru be with you.

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